Flower Power: Valentine’s Day Bouquets
A walk through the clearance aisle of the store is a good indication of the holiday that recently passed, but the most prominent aisles are often dedicated to the holiday that is a couple months out. If you’re looking for gifts for a holiday that is a week or two away, chances are you aren’t going to find the best gifts – those were gone a month or so ago. Think about it… Christmas stuff is on the shelves before Halloween is ever over. Right now, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter Baskets are the first thing you see when you walk into a retailer.
So that means at this point in time, Valentine’s Day gifts are pretty much already picked over. Honestly, was that really what you wanted to get the love of your life anyhow? As frugal as I am, and as much as I tell Scott that I don’t want him to buy me anything, a gift of a board game will put a smile on my face but so will a simple bouquet of flowers.
You may recall the Christmas bouquet from Teleflora. It was beautiful and came in a festive jar that I’ll be able to use during next year’s holiday decorating. I thoroughly enjoyed having fresh flowers on the table to brighten up the gloomy winter days. Now that we are right around the corner from Valentine’s Day, it’s worth a reminder that you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg for roses when there are a number of other beautiful bouquets available!
Can I tell you a secret? I love roses, but I’m as happy with a single rose as an entire bouquet of them. It’s the thought that counts and three dozen long-stem roses are pretty stunning. But if there’s a bouquet in my future, it doesn’t have to be limited to roses. I actually have a fondness for many types of flowers – especially ones with other significance. As an example, Teleflora’s Swirling Desire Bouquet includes roses and other red blooms, but what appeals to me the most are the pink oriental lilies.
Those were the prominent flower in the bouquet I carried down the aisle at my wedding and in the altar sprays as well. It’s something I haven’t told my girls before, but now that they are old enough, I want them to have this piece of information to carry along through their lives. It might not matter now, but when they get married and are trying to decide what flowers, this might have an impact. Or when I’m old and feeble and they’re trying to figure out what to deliver to me in the nursing home, they’ll know.
When this stunning bouquet arrived, I was swept away not only for the beauty of the flowers, but how lovely the red swirling red vase is. The whole thing reminded me of that special day in my life. To top it off, the fragrance… well, it made my day and continues to add life to the stagnant air that comes with the cold winter months. Each time I walk in from another room or from being out of the house, it brings a smile to my face all over again.
While many people feel roses are synonymous with Valentine’s Day, there are plenty of other flowers that transform a bouquet into something fascinating. In addition to the Swirling Desire Bouquet, Teleflora has other new selections for Valentine’s Day 2018 including Teleflora’s Red Haute Bouquet, Teleflora’s Mad Crush Bouquet and Teleflora’s Young at Heart Bouquet. This is in addition to the wide variety of other Valentine’s Day gift ideas in a range of prices.
As with the Christmas bouquet, the Swirling Desire Bouquet has flowers in various stages of bloom which means it will continue to radiate beauty for longer. You may recall, I took apart my bouquet to be able to show you the cool “vase” it came in. Unlike that one, there’s no way I’m disassembling this one. I’m going to thoroughly enjoy every minute that this bouquet can offer and relish every smile it brings.
Know what else I’m going to do? I’m going to give away a $75 gift code for use on a Teleflora Valentine’s bouquet so someone else can enjoy some beautiful flowers as well! While most of our giveaways run for 30 days, this one will be shorter to ensure you’re able to get it purchased in time for Valentine’s Day.
Blossoms in Vogue looks F A N T A S T I C !!!!! This is my first choice.
I’d like to receive the bouquet called Love’s Passion.
Wow – there are so many beautiful ones!! I Would love to receive any of them, but I think my favorite is Enchanted Cottage.
(Runners-up: Jumping for Joy, Heart and Soul, Hold Me Close, & Zen Artistry)
I would like to receive Teleflora’s Red Haute Bouquet for Valentine’s Day
Red Haute Bouquet
All of the arrangements are so beautiful! The Teleflora’s Young At Heart Bouquet caught my eye! Love the flowers and the Young at Heart Cube!
Teleflora’s Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses
I would love to receive the Teleflora’s Mad Crush Bouquet.
Teleflora’s Red Haute Bouquet
Blossoms in Vogue!
How Sweet It Is bouquet its beautiful
Full of Love bouquet
My wife likes tulips, so “Teleflora’s Sweet Surrender Bouquet” would work for me
The bouquet that I think is the most gorgeous is the Legendary Love Bouquet.
i would love to get the Always a Lady flowers for valentine’s day ! they are so beautiful !
I really love the spring romance bouquet. I love the white and pink.
I love the Blossoms in Vogue. It makes me feel so happy!
I like the Teleflora’s Swirling Desire Bouquet.
It was so hard to choose! They’re ALL gorgeous!! I like variety.
I finally decided on Teleflora’s Blushing Violet Bouquet. TY
Heart and Soul please and thanks!
I’d love to receive the Teleflora’s Vivid Love Bouquet for Valentine’s Day. Thanks.
Honestly, I’m not sure if it matters…I tried to order through Teleflora last month, and things didn’t go all that well.
I would love to receive the Teleflora’s Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses on Valentine’s Day this year!
I would like to receive the Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage bouquet.
Would love to win the Love’s Passion. The beautiful contrast between the red and the white is awesome looking. Love the different flower mixture it is a perfect reminder of love and renewal!
I’d love to receive Teleflora’s Vivid Love Bouquet.
I like teleflora’s Mad Crush Bouquet! It is great with lots of vivid red and a ruby style vase!
I’d love their Teleflora’s Pleasing Purple Bouquet! My favorite color, and those flowers are gorgeous!
I really love the ‘Your Majesty’
I love the Passionate purple tulips. So beautiful
I would love the Forever Mine arrangement! Perfect!
I really like the Teleflora’s Love Medley Bouquet with Red Roses.
I like the Always on My Mind Long Stemmed Red Roses. It’s so pretty.
I like the Crazy for You bouquet – so many beautiful arrangements
I would love to receive the “Rose Rapture”.
Rose Rapture is the one I really love to receive.
I would love the Forever Mine bouquet.
They are all so beautiful! I really liked the ‘How Sweet It Is’ bouquet with the pink and orange!
I would like the Enchanted Cottage bouquet
Wow. They have so many gorgeous bouquets! I think the Parisian Pinks with Roses is my favorite though.
My favorite is the Teleflora’s Red Haute Bouquet. I subscribe on youtube as sissybella07@gmail.com
I would like the Teleflora’s Red Haute Bouquet.
I love the Sweet Surrender Bouquet.
I like the Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage bouquet. Thank you!
Be My Love Bouquet with Red Roses Bouquet
I would most like to receive the Passionate Purple Tulips for Valentines….I think the purple color is beautiful.
red haute bouquet
The Mad Crush is beautiful!!
Kindest Heart Bouquet >> https://www.teleflora.com/bouquet/kindest-heart-bouquet?prodID=P_TEV38-3A&skuId=TEV38-3A&zipMin=
I like the You Are Cherished bouquet.
I like the Mad Crush Bouquet.
I really love the Teleflora’s Blushing Lilies.
I would pick Teleflora’s How Sweet it Is bouquet, because the colors would look good in my house, plus I love the smell of roses!
they are all beautiful but I choose the Teleflora Red Haute Bouquet. thank you for this opportunity!
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red Roses
It’s really hard to choose! I love Young At Heart, Be My Love, Hold Me Close, and Ruby Rapture.
It’s so fun to see all the pretty bouquets! I love the Always a Lady one, gorgeous!
I’d love to receive a bouquet of beautiful
I really love these right here. The bloom is so lovely and the color contrast between the pink and red is just beautiful.
Madly in Love Bouquet with Red Roses by Teleflora
I would love to receive Cupid’s Creation with Red Roses.
The Endless Romance Bouquet is hands-down my favorite.
I love Teleflora’s Mad Crush Bouquet! The combination of colors is perfect!
I would love to receive the Red Haute Bouquet
I would like the How Sweet It Is bouquet.
I would like to win
I would like to receive the Teleflora’s Desert Sunrise Bouquet! The colors are gorgeous and I love watching lilies open!
I like the Teleflora’s Red Haute Bouquet.
I really love the How Sweet it is bouquet, the colors are amazing.
I like the Hold Me Close Bouquet
I like this bouquet Teleflora’s Mad Crush Bouquet
I like the Full of Love Bouquet.
I like the Zen Artistry arrangement
I like the Jumping for Joy arrangement.
The Victorian Romance is gorgeous!
I’d love to get the Mad Crush Bouquet
Passionate Purple Tulips. The color purple has a romantic and funny hidden meaning to both me and my husband!
I’d like the “Teleflora’s Young at Heart Bouquet” for Mom!
I like all floral arrangements with Daisies!!!
I like the red hot bouquet! Thanks so much for the chances to win.
The Bejeweled Beauty by Teleflora 9https://www.teleflora.com/bouquet/bejeweled-beauty-by-teleflora?prodID=P_TEV19-1A&skuId=TEV19-1A&zipMin=) Looks so beautiful! That would be my choice for sure! Thank you for this awesome giveaway!
I like the Young at Heart bouquet.
Thanks for the contest.
I love the Teleflora’s Vivid Love Bouquet
I love love love the Desert Sunrise Bouquet!
I would want a Teleflora bouquet as surprise Valentine’s Day
Teleflora’s Kiss of the Rose Bouquet
I love the hugs and kisses bouquet with red roses
Always on My Mind – Long Stemmed Red Roses.
I love the Red Haute Bouquet.
They have so many awesome flowers, I really like “New Sensations”
I love roses so much that I would just love to give the Madly in Love Bouquet with Red Roses this Valentine’s Day.