Flowers are a classic winner for Mother's Day. Teleflora offers a variety of bouquets to fit different personalities and budgets. -


Heads-up, people. Next month is important. May 13th is Mother’s Day. Don’t say you forgot. Don’t say you didn’t have time to get to the store. What you need for a great Mother’s Day gift is right at the click of your fingers!

And it’s beautiful… and sure to grow a bunch smiles. Any guesses what this magical gift idea is? Flowers!

Flowers are a classic winner for Mother's Day. Teleflora offers a variety of bouquets to fit different personalities and budgets. -

Parents work hard both inside the home and out. Speaking as a mom, I can tell you that everything I do is for the love of my children. Whether I’m shuttling them here or there, trying to help them find the perfect outfit, teaching them proper makeup and hygiene or even yelling at them, it’s all because I love them. In honor of the launch of their “Love Makes a Mom” promotion, we received a bouquet of beautiful flowers from Teleflora. The Heart’s Pirouette Bouquet combines a mix of lilies, roses, lavender, chrysanthemums and more. They arrived in a lovely tinted vase that adds character to the bouquet without taking away from it. It’s one of many beautiful bouquets in Teleflora’s Mother’s Day lineup.

Flowers are a classic winner for Mother's Day. Teleflora offers a variety of bouquets to fit different personalities and budgets. -

As with the Valentine’s bouquet and winter holiday bouquet, I’ve been pleased with the arrangement. They add a mix of flowers in bloom with ones that have yet to blossom to help extend the life of the bouquet. In addition, there are always an accompaniment of greens to add depth.

Flowers are a classic winner for Mother's Day. Teleflora offers a variety of bouquets to fit different personalities and budgets. -

This particular bouquet even added lavender to give it some added height. Snapdragons, something I don’t think I’ve noticed in any bouquets before, filled out the back. It even included hydrangeas!

Flowers are a classic winner for Mother's Day. Teleflora offers a variety of bouquets to fit different personalities and budgets. -

I’ve always loved roses, but lilies joined them as part of my wedding bouquet. As a result, I’ve surrounded my home with landscape lilies and enjoy seeing them show up in bouquets for inside my home. While I love flowers of all types, these have a special place in my heart. I’m sure I’m not alone in that sentiment. Do you know what flowers the loves in your life prefer?

Flowers are a classic winner for Mother's Day. Teleflora offers a variety of bouquets to fit different personalities and budgets. -

Teleflora offers a variety of bouquets options with different arrangements and flower assortments, in a range of prices and with different types of vases. If you know what flowers “Mom” likes, you can search for bouquets that include a specific type of flower. If budget is your concern, find something within your price range or check out the deal of the day. Whether it’s a simple bouquet or a large, extravagant one, it’s sure to be a winner. Moms like me are happy that you cared enough to think of us on our day. Flowers are a bonus.

We’re delighted that Teleflora has provided a gift code for us to share with our readers. If you would love to send flowers to someone for Mother’s Day, be sure to enter to win this awesome prize.

Teleflora Mother’s Day Bouquet Giveaway

91 thoughts on “Solid Winner: Flowers for Mother’s Day

  1. I like the “Teleflora’s Spring Speckle Bouquet”, but there are a lot of awesome bouquets.

  2. I like the Teleflora’s Perfect Peonies. I would give them to my daughter in law who will have her first baby this Mother’s Day

  3. My favorite is the Teleflora’s Heart’s Pirouette Bouquet. I love the combination of flowers and also love the vase.

  4. The Desert Sunrise Bouquet is so soft and pretty. I really like the addition of the succulents. They make the arrangement feel both feminine and modern.

  5. I kept scrolling up and down! Down and up!
    The page is even beautiful! I liked the
    Love Everlasting Bouquet. TY

  6. I like the brightness of “Teleflora’s Citrus Smiles Bouquet”. It can be very dismal in a care facility sometimes.

  7. I like the mothers day selection but the “young at heart” arrangement in the valentines selection is what I would choose.

  8. I found a few favorites but I would have to say I would chose the Teleflora’s Perfect Peonies as peonies are my favorite of the spring time flowers.

  9. I think the Teleflora’s Heart’s Pirouette Bouquet is the one that would put the biggest smile on my Mom’s face, (and hence on mine!)

  10. All of them are beautiful but I love Teleflora’s Spring Speckle Bouquet the most. Bright & happy flowers & vase!

  11. I like Teleflora’s Enchanted Cottage with the lilacs and white roses. The lilacs usually around on Mother’s Day in this part of the country.

  12. i know for sure my mother would LOVE the Country Basket Blooms ! such a beautiful basket ! Makes a cute indoor basket even out door !

  13. I would love to get my mother the Teleflora’s In Love With Lime Bouquet, it’s gorgeous!

  14. I would love to get the Dressed To Impress Bouquet or the Teleflora’s All Eyes On You Bouquet for my mom.

  15. Winged Beauty Bouquet would be perfect for my hummingbird-loving friend.
    Thanks for the contest.

  16. I like the Teleflora’s Whisper Soft Bouquet the most of all the fine Teleflora arrangements.

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