STILL Not Just For Babies

Do you have a trivial memory from your childhood that sticks? Sometimes I wonder why silly things are so ingrained in my brain – memories of everyday stuff that really didn’t have much importance. Whenever I comb my daughters’ hair, I have this little flashback to my mom combing mine and me pitching a fit if she didn’t use the “No more tangles” stuff. To make it even more ridiculous, I have faded memories of the commercials for it, too.Well, my kids are currently 5 and 7 so we’ve mostly graduated out of baby products and utilize Suave body wash and shampoo. However, there are some “baby” products, like wipes, washes and detanglers that aren’t just for babies. Even Johnson’s sweepstakes at Locks in 10 dispels the myth that baby oil is only for babies stating that “Johnson’s Baby Oil is for anyone who wants the trusted gentleness and great looking baby soft skin that only Johnson’s can provide.”
We use Johnson’s Baby Oil to remove stubborn temporary tattoos and Johnson’s head-to-toe baby wash is one of our go-to products for the girls’ face and more sensitive areas. Even though they are titled baby products, we use them. Why? Because they fill a need for us. The body wash is a quality product that doesn’t bother the kids’ eyes… and removing the potential for their eyes to burn makes bathing them less stressful. And in case you’re wondering – yes, I use Johnson’s Buddies detangler when their hair is a total mess.
About a month ago, Mom Central launched a campaign for Johnson’s baby products. They asked for bloggers who would be participating in a baby shower. Me? No babies here. Even though we use Johnson’s products, I wasn’t comfortable with laying claim to the mother load of Johnson’s products that would be included in this blog tour. However, just a few days before Mom Central sent out their tour announcement, the woman across the street gave birth to her second baby. Since I’m a true believer in Johnson’s baby products, I submitted my name for consideration making specific note that any samples I received would be packaged up and given to my neighbor.
I was pleased to be selected for the tour and was delighted to see the package arrive. I proudly packaged up the items into a cute gift bag and pranced them across the street to the neighbor. Whether it’s for a shower or just a gift, the nice thing about a gift like this is that you know it will be utilized. New moms and experienced moms only need a certain number of receiving blankets and picture frames. Disposable items like diapers and bath products will definitely be put to good use. When I delivered them, she looked into the bag and said “Oh, we’ll use these!” Even as a seasoned mom, I have to be honest and say that I didn’t realize that Desitin was a Johnson’s product! We didn’t use rash cream very often so I don’t even remember what brand I used. With total confidence, I can say that I used all the other products that were in the package from Mom Central were ones that I used on my girls when they were babies.
What I like about Johnson’s products are that they have stood the test of time. Like I said, I remember my mom using Johnson’s No More Tangles on me when I was young (so yeah, about 35 years ago). But I know that they don’t just sit around with the same product. I’ve participated in a few product tests for Johnson’s products (sshhhh, I’m not allowed to talk about it) so I know they ask for feedback from typical families like us. Even from the time that my kids were babies (not long ago), they’ve launched new products or at least new formulas like Johnson’s Baby Bubble Bath.
If you have some time, also check out the Soak in the Secret Sweepstakes. You can also stop by The Children’s Place Facebook Fan Page where they’re giving away Johnson’s products in their Spring Giveaway.
Johnson’s products are tried and true. They’re great products and make awesome shower gifts. Stop by Johnson’s website to see all the products they offer now! Thanks to Mom Central for allowing me to participate in this blog tour!
I didnt know Desitin was a Johnson's product either! My (6)kids aged 10-29 all grew up on Johnsons products and now I have 3 grandkids who are destined to be Johnson's "lifers".
Trivial memories pop in LOTS to me too…especially old commercial jingles! My little brothers and I used to memorize them and spew them out like music. Drove my mom crazy!It is funny what you
Ah, this reminds me – a nurse practitioner recommended the Johnson Baby Shampoo for ACNE of all things. She says it works wonders if you're breaking out. I need to try that next time I do.
Also, using Johnson Baby Oil to remove tattoos is a good idea! I'm going to pass that one on to my sister-in-law.
I still use Johnson's Baby Oil. I use it on my hairline whenever I dye my hair so I don't stain my face with any excess dye. I'm not crazy about the scent, but it does the job.
Very useful article. i like this article. thanks for sharing this.