Mega Giveaway Day 78 – Hex Hex XL Game
Day 78’s sponsor is one you’ve seen before: Smirk and Dagger! This time, they are offering Hex Hex XL which we featured in our guide to card games. Enter to win a copy for your game collection then come back again each day to enter more and increase your chances of winning.
Visit Smirk & Dagger on Facebook and Twitter to let them know what your favorite game is! Visit our other Mega Giveaway sponsors as well to let them know you appreciate their participating in this extensive giveaway.
Well, I wouldn’t call it Hexing I believe it to be Karma coming back around and paying someone back who really deserves it.
i have not!
I am Cajun, Heck yeh !
I think i haven’t!
Not Yet.
No hexing
I have not!
No not yet
Obviously yes, it’s inevitable… 😉 😉
Not yet but there is always a first time
I have not hexed anyone yet.
No i have never done that
Not yet …
No, but there are a few people who’d deserve it!
Nooooooooo! Of course not! At least not that I’m willing to admit to on a public forum! LOLOLOLOLOL
I’ve never hexed anyone.
I have never played Hexed before and this is the first time I’ve heard of the game.
No, I have never hexed anyone before.
No, but if I don’t win, then some hex’s may fly!
Only in MTG and Munchkin
Not yet.