Only Thing Better than a Good Movie

Ever since the kids got old enough to sit through full-length motion pictures, we’ve been in heaven. If it’s a G-rated movie, chances are that we’ve been to see it… except for the occasional one that gets put on timeout because the girls weren’t behaving. Yes, we’re a timeout family. While toy timeouts work sometimes, if the kids incur a penalty when we’re en route to a movie then they are forbidden from seeing it until it comes out on DVD, VOD or TV. Other than that, movies are a huge deal for us. We go all out for popcorn and snacks, too. Because we go often enough, we even have a frequent flier pass for the movie theater – which gives us free movie passes, popcorn or a drink after a certain number of points are accumulated.Although we get some stuff free, for the most part, we’re shelling out for the trips (thank you, matinee price). If the kids are behaving, it’s a reward for everyone… It’s family time. It’s quality time. And it’s usually a lot of fun for all of us.
Then I found out that General Mills would pay for us to see a movie. And you too. The only thing better than a good movie is a good FREE movie. By any chance do you eat Honey Nut Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Trix or Reese’s Peanut Butter Puffs cereals? Well, from now until June 30, 2010, you can cash in codes that are found on specially marked boxes of those cereals. While the program allows you to cash in your codes until June 30, 2010… I didn’t find details anywhere stating how long these boxes (with codes) would be available on the shelves.
Here’s all you have to do:
Purchase specially marked boxes of the above mentioned General Mills cereals.
Enter two codes from any two specially marked boxes of General Mills cereal.
Print your free movie ticket certificate and take it to a participating theater to receive one free movie admission!
Want more than one ticket? Just purchase additional boxes of cereal. It’s that easy. If you’re a coupon shopper, you can watch for sales on General Mills cereals and use coupons. Then convert your cereal into General Mills e-Movie Cash.
We used our tickets to go see Where the Wild Things Are with the kids. It’s a good movie, but not one that has you dancing in your seats. It does, however, teach a great lesson.
How about you? Are you a movie-goer? Do you look for any particular type of movie or just go to what looks good? Have you ever wanted to see a movie but changed your mind because it got poor reviews? One of DH’s favorite movies got horrible reviews from the critics but we went to see it anyhow… and glad we did! So, maybe if you didn’t have to pay for the tickets, you would consider seeing something you wouldn’t otherwise see? Or maybe you would actually venture TO a movie while you normally wait until it’s released before you see it. Well, here’s your chance to score four free tickets, compliments of General Mills and MyBlogSpark. As a bonus, you’ll even receive a coupon for one free box of any General Mills cereal! Ready? Here’s the scoop…
The Prize: Movie Moments Prize Pack (approx value $54) including 4 e-movie cash certificates and one coupon for a box of General Mills cereal.
Participants –
…must provide a US shipping address
…must provide an email in the first comment, email me directly with an email address or have email accessible from their profile.
Sometime on December 5, 2009, two winners will be chosen at random (using from all valid comments left. Winners have 72 hours from posting/notification to respond. If winner cannot be contacted, I will move on to the next random selection.
How to enter: (CONTEST CLOSED)
My kids love Trix cereal and I would like to see the Have You Heard about the Morgans? movie!
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My favorite cereal is Fiber One Honey Clusters.
I would like to see the movie My Sister's Keeper.
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My favorite cereal is Cinammon Toast Crunch and I would go see The Blind Side.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
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My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms and if we won we would watch the new Disney Christmas Carol movie
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My favorite General Mills cereal is honey nut cheerios, although I don't get it that often b/c I eat it too fast LOL If i won I would see Where the Wild Things Are.
Thanks! -Erin
chirpatme at rocketmail dot com
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Thanks! -Erin
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Thanks! -Erin
chirpatme at rocketmail dot com
We love Cinnamon Toast Crunch and we would go see A Christmas Carol.
I like Cheerios but would really like to try Trix. I would also like to see A Christmas Carol.
denise_22315 at yahoo dot com
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Honey Nut Cheerios and Where the Wild Things Are.
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I have 4 different kids and they all have different favorites. However, Reeses Puffs is pretty popular. We'd probably use the tickets to see a Christmas movie if I won.
lucky charms has always been my fav. I'ld use the movie tickets to see New moon.
tweet 11/28!
My kids love Lucky Charms! And I would use the tickets to take my kids to see the new Alvin & the Chipmunks sequal… they are BIG fans of the Chipmunks!
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I love Honey Nut Cheerios.
"Fantastic Mr. Fox" looks like a good family movie.
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I would love to have cheerios (with my own berries) and I would LOVE to see the new movie with Sandra Bullock called "the Blind Side" if you asked my husband though – he would say Michael Jackson's movie!
Honey Nut Cheerios and probably a Christmas Carol movie! 🙂
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left a comment on Cheese with Pie post
I love Cheerios! and I would love to see Nine when it expands to theaters outside of NY and LA. Thanks for doing the giveaway!
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Thanks again!
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I love Honey Nut Cheerios and eat them everyday! I would love to see The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock.. looks good.
My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms. I would like to take the kids to see the new Alvin and the Chipmunks movie that is coming out soon.
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I like Cascadian Farms purely O's and I would like to see the new Christmas Carol. steffanie771 (at) hotmail (dot) com
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trix and blind side
My kids love Trix, but I'm partial to Honey Nut Cheerios, and I want to see The Blind Side.
My favorite cereal is Cinammon Toast Crunch and I would love to see New Moon! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I like Lucky Charms and our family would go see 2012 with the movie passes. Thank you!
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middayescapades at gmail dot com
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middayescapades at gmail dot com
We like Cheerios and really want to see "The Fantastic Mr. Fox".
I love Wheaties! I add just a bit of brown sugar on top and yummm. I'd love to see Men Who Talk to Goats.
LKARambo at comcast dot net
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LKARambo at comcast dot net
Multigrain cherrios
Princess and the Frog
I wish our stores had these cereals with movie cash
My favorite cereal is multi grain cheerios. I'm not sure what movies are out right now. My brother would like to go see Men Who Stare at Goats. Maybe I'd take him to see that.
I love Honey Nut Cheerios! I would love to see The Blind Side with Sandra Bullock.
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OUr favorite cereal is cherrios
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our favorite is lucky charms and i want to see paranormal activity
Gluten Free Chex cereals!! We would see The Squecal of Alvin and the Chipmunks
just subscribed!
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LKARambo at comcast dot net
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LKARambo at comcast dot net
Reese's puffs hands down is my favorite. I would love to go out to see any movie with my husband. It's been so long since we were baby free for a night.
Oh I love honey nut Chex. I would see any movie as long as it was a date night with just my hubby.
My favorite General Mills cereal is Strawberry Yogurt Burst Cheerios and I want to see the New Moom Twilight movie. Thanks!
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I love Honey Nut Cheerios! And I really want to see The Fantastic Mr.Fox.
katiekarr at gmail dot com
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Vanilla Cheerios are DELICIOUS – and we want to see A Christmas Carol.
Oh I have to go with Apple Cinnamon Cheerios. Yummy! And I'd love to take the kids to see the new Christmas Carol. Fun for me too!
I love Honey Nut Cheerios and would like to see The Frog prince.
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I love Trix!! They were one of my favorites! and I would love to see New Moon Twilight movie
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Peggy Gorman
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I visited the General Mills web site. I buy cereals for my grandkids. Their General Mills favorites are Cheerios and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
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Mmmm…I love Lucky Charms, but always tell myself that Honey Nut Cheerios is healther. I would use my movie passes to take my son to see the Chipmunks movie.
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LKARambo at comcast dot net
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favorite cereal: Lucky Charms
movie to see: My sister's keeper
follow blog as jelaws5
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Dec 3 tweet
I commented on "Life on a Pollen Free Farm"
My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms. I would use my movie tickets to see The Blind Side.
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Chex or Lucky Charms! I would likely go see 2012. jenniferjoy at gmail dot com
I visited the GM website, my daughter liked it!
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My favorite GM cereal is Cheerios. I would go see The Blind Side.
pkildow at gmail dot com
My favorite cereal is Cheerios. I would go and see The Blind Side.
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LKARambo at comcast dot net
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I went to the General Mills website…hope I win!! 🙂
We love Kix!! Yummy cereal! we would see My Brother's Keeper.
multigrain cherrio and the frog and the princess
Reeses Puffs is my absolute favorite cereal – GM or otherwise 🙂 and my 2 year old has been begging for the "Pinzess and Krog" so I guess we'd have to go see the Princess & the Frog 🙂
Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I'd like to see New Moon. Thanks!
plain ole cheerios.
My favorite is Lucky Charms!
Movie I'd see? Gosh, I don't really even know what's playing. Last movie I saw in the theater was 'Ratatouille'!
Cheerios are my favorite GM cereal. If I won I'd take the family to see a Christmas carol. Actually we are going to go see it whether I win or not, but I'd rather go for free.
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Our favorite is Trix and Reeses Puffs
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I left a comment at Life on a Pollen-Free Farm
I like Berry Burst Cheerios. We would go see Where the Wild Things Are.
mrsthistle at comcast dot net
I love cinnamon toast crunch, and would like to see The Blind Side.
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
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I enjoy lucky charms.
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My favorite cereal is Cheerios & the movie I would go see would be "Avatar".
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I love Lucky Charms, my girls want to see the Princess and the Frog, I want to see the Blind side.
bro2ice at yahoo dot com
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My family's favorite cereal is Lucky Charms, they are magically delicious!
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I commented on My Memories vs Their Memories
I like the vanilla almond crunch cereal. I might go see the new Grinch movie with my daughter and her friends.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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My kids love Reese's Puffs and we would love to see The Blind Side
Dec 5 tweet
I visited the Genereal Mills website.
Lucky Charms is our family favorite 🙂 We would love to see the Disney movie, The Princess and the Frog that opens this month.
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LKARambo at comcast dot net
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Thanks for the contest.