I Dare you NOT to Tap your Toes

I love music. I’ve gone through different stages in my life where I gravitated to different styles of music – Pop, Rock, Oldies… But I’m at a point now where I love listening to almost any kind of music. My late uncle, Ken, summed it up best when he said to me “Am I singing because I’m happy or am I happy because I’m singing?”Music has that magical effect on people. Back in 1996, I recall going to the movies to see “That Thing You Do” with DH. As we walked to our car afterward, I had a spring in my step and both DH and I commented about how much we enjoyed the movie and all the music. I truly believe that music can alter your emotional state.
A few weeks back, I received a copy of Michael Buble’s new CD, Crazy Love. I sat down and listened to the songs and even logged onto YouTube to watch videos.
Guess what happened.
It made me smile. Listening to his music made me happy. Michael Buble’s upbeat music in a throwback style was toe-tapping. It reminded me of many of the songs I listened to during my days of listening to older (crooner) music and singers like Sinatra. While many people, including Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra felt ‘crooner’ was a negative term, to me it exemplifies a style of music… and has nothing but positive connotations. Michael Buble should be proud to be deemed a modern-day crooner.
If you love music or are just in need of a pick-me-up, stop by Michael Buble’s website and take a second to listen to some of his songs. If you enjoy what you hear, become a fan on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, join Bungalow-B, his Fan Club or you can get his songs from iTunes or Amazon! It’s fun music and I’m pretty confident that you’ll find yourself tapping your foot to the beat.
When I was a teenager, I didn't want to have anytthing to do w/music that might have appealed to my parents – shocker, right?!?!? (Especially since I was born in '55, so the '60s & 70's were soooo different from ANYthing that had been heard before). But I've found that I really DO like this sort of music sometimes – just like I love listening to old 'Elvis' songs
Ok, I'll listen. Sad to say I am not familiar with his music (that I know of) but have seen his name around. Other about this post — I really liked how the play button was positioned right over Michael's nose. Yea, I know, I'm in a wierd state of mind today. Anyway, keep up the good work.