Pretending to Grownup Game Giveaway

Every time I see this Pretending to Grownup game from Golden Bell Studios, I start to sing the Toys R Us jingle in my head.
I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a Toys R Us kid.
There’s not a million toys at Toys R ‘cuz they’re out of biz.
Oh wait. That’s not how it’s supposed to go, is it? Doesn’t matter because that’s not what the game is about anyhow. It’s a trick-taking card game that uses cards like “Eat kale”, “Binge watch”, “Cut pineapple the wrong way”, “Buy in bulk” and “Do your own taxes”. It’s not our parents’ Euchre, that’s for sure. Of course, it’s definitely not a game that young kids would appreciate (which is why it’s listed in our guide to games for teens and adults). Check out some of the card samples on the Pretending to Grownup Amazon listing. When you’re done nodding and laughing (and adding some to your Amazon cart as gifts for adult friends), come back and enter to win a copy for yourself.
Playing with Legos!
Playing games with my grandkids. Like coloring, playing checkers, tic – tac – toe, Monopoly, Scrabble! I used to play Hop Scotch, tag, and jump rope with them!! I miss it
play with magnets
I love to play games with my grandchildren.
I love watching kid’s movies, especially Disney ones. My bestie and I will watch them together when my son isn’t even around. I love coloring too.
Play board games!, obviously.
I like to play Beauty Parlor with my granddaughters.
>>What is your favorite child-like thing to do (even though you are an adult)?<<
I love blowing bubbles, the bigger the better!
I have retained my child like love for all things candy and sugar.
board games
Go trick or treating. Seriously, I take my kids and I know they are having a blast… but really, I LOVE being out there with all the costumes!
My favorite child-like thing to do is play board games! 🙂
reading new picture books
we love playing with pretend food,my grandson and grandaughter are quite the chefs.
I like to play hide and seek.
I love making snow angels in the snow.
Play games, color, collect toys…
Going trick or treating. Still do it at 48 yrs. old. I trick or treat right beside my youngest daughter and my granddaughter.
I watch all sorts of cartoons!